Overcome Perfectionism & Inner Criticism. Transform Anxiety into Growth

Craig Behenna

Hi, I'm Craig.

Craig Behenna is an Australian coach, counsellor and therapist who works with anxiety, inner criticism and perfectionism with high-achieving artists, professionals and leaders.

If this resonates with you, you may experience cycles of never having achieved enough, strong and harsh self-criticism and pushing beyond your limits for perfection which always seems just out of reach, despite your abilities and accomplishments (which you rarely acknowledge because that would be selfish).

You probably know enough about what’s going on in your life, but you need to make changes.

You don’t need to go it alone, despite what your inner experience tells you. In our work together, we’ll do more than talk. We’ll focus on practical exercises to help you shift blocks, look at and change the narratives and voices that have held you back, and give you focus, inner peace and your ability to claim your strengths and do your best work.

You might be wondering, 'Why Do I Do This?'

You want to be doing what you know you’re capable of. Maybe you feel like you need to ‘do more’ – because surely your own work, your own efforts, your own voice, couldn’t be enough.

oMaybe you juggle too many projects, too many tasks. Perhaps you take on too much because you can’t say no. Perhaps it’s because you’re afraid to commit to one project.

You always think you’re inferior to others, or you can’t achieve what you set out to do, because of intrusive self talk and inner criticism.

When standard forms of coaching and therapy haven’t worked long-term, you feel self-punishing and blame yourself. You say to yourself, there’s no one else who can fix it, it must be all my fault. I’m the only one who can solve it.

I don’t see things that way. 

Working with performers, artists and high achievers in other fields for more than fifteen years, I’ve seen one thing to be true over and over:

There Is Nothing Wrong With You. You Are Not The Problem.

There are reasons why you experience perfectionism, a harsh inner critic. There are reasons why you experience behaviours that look like self-sabotage. 

There are also ways we can explore your experience of stuckness without being caught in an endless inner battle.

You can grow into a new relationship with these behaviours and these parts of yourself.

You can discover new ways to step into what’s unfolding in your life.

In our work together in therapy and coaching, we don’t just look at problems. We work in the present ant find your way forward.

We develop your connection to your inner voice and your agency. And we develop ways for you to live according to what you value most.

"Craig has a manner about him that immediately relaxes you. His approach to mindfulness is considered and deliberate but undoubtedly free. His ability to combine mindfulness practice with the process of acting is so freeing for someone who often gets stuck in their head! I walked away with many techniques on how to stay grounded in the moment within the work but most importantly to treat myself with kindness even when I think I should be reprimanding myself. I would absolutely recommend working with Craig!"

Emma Beech

I lead teams and manage critical change programs within large organisations. I have known Craig for many years and have experienced some difficult times throughout my career. Craig has always known the right questions to ask to get to the heart of an issue, whether within myself or interpersonal relationships. Using his deep insight into human behaviour, Craig has helped me to develop strategies to manage, develop and thrive. Craig listens, and understands the individual providing tailored advice, toolkits and solutions that work for you.

James Allen

I work with creative people and people who work and lead in creative ways.

Our work together isn’t just talking about a problem. We work with what’s emerging in your life, and how you can work with your experience to be more present, experience more inner connection 

Do you want to

  • Uncover and clear blocks and do your best work?
  • Discover the stories that have held you back?
  • Be present, clear and able to articulate your position even in tough and stressful environments?
  • Reconnect with the reasons you took this creative path in the first place?
  • Clarify and strengthen relationships in your creative, production or corporate team?
  • Work with a coach who has been on all sides of the process of making TV and film?
  • Experience more joy and satisfaction in your process and your work?
  • Have a stronger connection to your creative intuition?

If any of these sound like you, let’s talk.


Where Would You Like To Start?

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