Hi, I’m Craig Behenna.
If you want to make a breakthrough in your creative work…
If you feel you need a counselling and therapy approach that’s more holistic than the norm…
Then this might be the place for you.
I love working with people to break through creative blocks, discover what’s next for you and help you to make your big leap,
Creative Coaching, Therapy
I’ve been writing and making since my first play was produced at the age of eleven.
I’ve worked professionally in theatre, TV and film for more than twenty years.
The connection between our creativity in art and life led me to study both a MA in directing and a qualification in psychotherapy simultaneously (life hack for less stress: DO NOT do two qualifications at the same time!).
Some success onscreen followed. I wrote One Eyed Girl (with Nick Remy Matthews) and we won awards including the Jury Award at the Austin Film Festival, with sales and releases in the USA and worldwide in cinemas and streamers.
I wrote on shows that won Best Children’s Television on three continents. I worked as lead writer on a writers’ room team, I’ve developed work including some feature development with A-list clients.
And yet, despite the success, I found myself struggling with depression. Despite achieving external goals, internal satisfaction was lacking.
I traveled to Plum Village, France, and learned the foundations of mindfulness and meditation practice with Thich Nhat Hanh and the monastic community.
I completed many retreats in Plum Village monasteries, and qualified to teach meditation and mindfulness in the UK with Julian Daizan Skinner Roshi (certified by the International Mindfulness Teachers Association).
Meditation and mindfulness has play a big part in my life and form a foundation of my work with clients.
My practice allows me to be present for clients and create a space of awareness and openness for the client to share what’s most important – and to water seeds of creativity, growth and self-expansion.
Mindfulness, Narrative Therapy and Transpersonal Coaching: Online With Craig
I trained in Psychosynthesis after a ‘chance’ meeting with Susan Jewkes Allen, founder of the Synthesis Center San Francisco, on my ONE day in SF. That meeting led to a place in the Board Certified Psychosynthesis Coach Training Program (2019-2022) with Dr. Didi Firman as head instructor. I was also teaching assistant in 2021-2022.
Most recently I completed a Masters Degree in Narrative Therapy from the University of Melbourne and was fortunate to study at the birthplace of narrative practice, The Dulwich Centre.
Who I Work With
Many of my clients are in the creative worlds, but my earliest clients were in the tech world and I often work with clients in tech in the USA and South East Asia as they refine their vision and come to their next chapters in life.
These, too, are strong creative choices that need a vision and a connection with self to make courageous decisions, even when the majority voice might be singing a very different song.
No matter who you are, I want you to have someone on your side. Someone who can be a second brain, a coach, a mentor, a counsellor, a developer, a guide, a teacher. I want to help you show up as your most creative, intuitive, courageous selves.
I know it can be hard and lonely when you’re making a vision come together. I know if can be difficult when confusion and doubt cloud your thinking, your clarity, your inner voice.
Aside from their coaching chops, the biggest gift my coaches have given me was belief and reinforcement that I could do it, that I could bring my best to the table. That’s the person I want to be for my clients.
How We Work
I coach people who are ready to discover what’s emerging for them and create the next step in their journey.
As a counsellor and therapist, I work with you to grow and evolve into the next stage of your life.
If you’d like to contact me, please get in touch to ask questions or to book a time to see what we might create together.