Healing The Inner Critic: A Workshop With Craig Behenna

At The Mercury Cinema on Saturday 20th April, 3PM-5PM I’m running a two-hour session on Saturday, 20th April on working with and healing our relationship with our inner critic. I work with a lot of...

How To Embrace Your Inner Critic: A Path To Kinder Self-Talk

I’ve been having a lot of conversations recently about the inner critic, and I think things are getting worse, not better, for many people who come to speak to me.  It’s especially telling when I’m...

Self-Compassion: the Antidote to Your Inner Critic

I’m trying to write an article on the importance of compassion.  Ironically, I’m getting a bit of inner criticism as I go along.  I want to write about how important it is to be kind...

Monkey Man, Dev Patel’s Directorial Debut, Makes a Stellar Debut at SXSW

Monkey Man is Dev Patel’s step into the director’s chair. It’s a no-holds-barred action movie that I’ve seen referred to online as ‘John Wick in Mumbai’. Monkey Man...

How Trusting Yourself Can Help You Grow As An Artist

(I have a long background working with actors, writers and creatives. I found that the issues we struggle with in the process of bringing our best, most personal work into the world are often the same...

Midpoints: what they are, why your screenplay needs one, and classic movie midpoints that change everything

I’m tutoring Screenwriting again with a new cohort from John Yorke Story, UK’s leading screen story and narrative experts. We’re heading to our study of midpoints. It’s always my favourite part of the...

Your Creative Work Is An Infinite Game

Last week I recorded a self-tape for a role in a film – and I hated every moment leading up to it. Until I started playing a different game, and everything changed. It was the difference between...

A Guided Meditation For Compassion, Creativity and Daily Life

I’ve had a few clients lately who are going through big changes. Some good, some difficult. All very big and taking up a lot of their mind and emotional space. Many talk about wanting to take news...